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Author Checklist
  • □  All listed authors have read and approved of the manuscript.
  • □  Format of the manuscript conforms to the guidelines in “Instructions to Authors”.
  • □  Journal policies detailed in the “Research and Publication Ethics” have been reviewed.
  • □  Manuscript is in double-spaced form and in 12-point Times New Roman font.
  • □  The title page is a separate file including the title, full name of all authors and their affiliations, and the corresponding author’s name and e-mail address.
  • □  Abstract is within the 300-word limit (Case Report and Brief Report: 250 words).
  • □  Three to five keywords are included after the abstract.
  • □  Files for submission are in acceptable format (Main text and tables: MS Word, Figures: JPG, TIFF, or PPT).
  • □  IRB no. is provided in the Methods section.
  • □  Number of references is 35 or less (Case Reports and Brief Reports: 15 references, Review: 60 references).
  • □  Tables are in separate pages each with their headings, and all tables are cited in the text.
  • □  Figures are provided as separate file with a minimum of 600 dpi (1000 dpi for bitmapped line drawings).
  • □  DOI is added to references if present.
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Department of Preventive Medicine, College of Medicine, Gachon University
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